Colourman Charities

We are very proud to be supporting two charities that are close to our hearts.

The British Bee Charity raises funds and promotes initiatives to help the welfare of bees and their environments. With various volunteer projects and fundraising events, the charity aims to make the world a better place. You can adopt a hive, enrol your local junior school into the BeeBombs scheme or become a beekeeper yourself! Please see for more information.

Trees for Cities is the only UK charity working at a national and international scale, to improve lives by planting trees in cities, revitalising forgotten spaces and creating healthier environments for communities. By buying one of our Little Forest candles, you can donate £1 to help Trees for Cities projects. Visit their website for more details

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Welcome to the colourful world of Colourman Paints!

A very warm welcome from Rachel and Louanne, thank you so much for taking the time to read The Colourman Post. We hope you find this a source of inspiration for future projects or simply a 5 minute break to explore our world here at Colourman Paints.
Please drop us a line – we would love to hear from you, wether it is a question on a paint product or simply to share some Devon adventures. We are as passionate about where we live as we are about our paints.
Sending very best wishes to you all, and happy painting
Rachel & Louanne

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